Equality for all by making political parity the new normal.
Our History
In 2012, the National Women’s Political Caucus launched the NWPC Foundation with the express purpose of building an endowment fund that will provide a reliable income stream for the national organization as well as to its state and local affiliate chapters for leadership development, education, membership outreach, and research projects.
The NWPC Foundation has a nonprofit 501(C)3 tax status, with funds deposited at the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation. This woman-run Foundation is the seventh largest Community Foundation in the U.S. and number one for the amount of money donated every year.
NWPC Foundation funds are distributed through an annual, competitive grants program restricted to NWPC Inc, LDERF, and NWPC state and local affiliate caucuses for their programs, events, publications, and activities that fit within 501 (C) 3 guidelines.
The National Women's Political Caucus Foundation's Tax ID# is 46-0543877.
All donations to the NWPC Foundation are tax deductible.
“‘When there are no ceilings, the sky is the limit’”