NWPC Foundation 2025 Grant Program

The board of the National Women’s Political Caucus Foundation is pleased to announce the ninth round of grants to be awarded from Foundation funds. The NWPC Foundation, which has a 501(C) 3 tax status, was founded to provide funds for leadership development, education, and research projects that fit within the restrictions of a c3 tax-deductible organization, consistent with the goals and values of the National Women’s Political Caucus, Inc. to achieve political equality for women.

Following is a summary of the grant program, guidelines, eligibility requirements, and the application to be completed to be considered for the grants.

Check back in May/June of 2025 to Download the application

(link below to apply)

Click Here for the Application:

The deadline will be May/June of 2025.

Check back for application!


National Women’s Political Caucus Foundation

Request for Grant Proposals

NWPC FOUNDATION 2025 Grant Program

The board of the National Women’s Political Caucus Foundation is pleased to announce the ninth round of grants to be awarded from Foundation funds.  The NWPC Foundation, which has a 501(C) 3 tax status, was founded to provide funds for leadership development, education, and research projects that fit within the restrictions of a c3 tax-deductible organization, consistent with the goals and values of the National Women’s Political Caucus, Inc. to achieve political equality for women.  

Following is a summary of the grant program, guidelines, eligibility requirements, and the application to be completed to be considered for the grants.



2024: TOTAL GRANT PROGRAM AMOUNT FOR 2024:  $11,317.00.

The Board of Directors has approved a total of $11,317.00 for the 2024 Grant Program.

Grant distribution shall be made in an award or several awards up to $11,317.00.


The purpose of the grants will be for educational programs of the grantee’s choosing, with a strong membership component.   

“Educational programs” may include activities similar, but not limited, to those listed below.  The educational program must be consistent with the mission and values of the National Women’s Political Caucus, Inc. and Leadership Development Education Research Fund (LDERF). 

This year the Grants Committee has prioritized the following activities:

  • Conduct women’s public education training sessions about campaign best practices 

  • Educate candidates on public issues or conduct candidate campaign schools 

  • Engage in education on legislative issues and advocacy 

  • Engage in young women’s education and training about the political process

  • Engage in political issues and advocacy education and training for women in historically underserved communities

A strong “Membership component” must be included in each grant application.  The applicant must outline how their proposed program will help to increase membership in the National Women’s Political Caucus, including goals, outreach strategies, and methods to communicate with potentially diverse communities. 

This component includes helping establish a new state chapter or helping revive an old chapter into an official NWPC state or local caucus which must also contain a training component; other activities such as an organizing meeting, advice on how the by-laws might be written, and help in developing an initial membership drive may be included as long as there is an education/training component included in the project


Grants shall be made to Local and State Caucus chapters of NWPC Inc. and/or to a forming new or revived Local or State Caucus.  Consideration for an award will take into account whether a current Caucus is in good standing which includes being current on dues owed to National for membership, having current bylaws on file at the National office, and being in compliance with all NWPC Inc. requirements for Local and State Chapters – all of which will be confirmed with the National office prior to selection of grant recipients.   A Forming New Caucus or a Revived Caucus applicant must apply under the sponsorship of NWPC LDERF which shall act as the Fiscal Sponsor and shall be responsible for administrative oversight of grant funds received.**   Consideration for a grant award given to a forming new Caucus or revived Caucus shall take into account whether applicants submit a credible proposal with a strong likelihood that a successful, official NWPC Caucus chapter will result, such as 1) showing substantial work already done which the state or local chapter can substantiate in their application; 2) having held at least one membership/informational meeting; and 3) submitting the names of a core group of individuals who are committed to the new or reforming caucus and who have assumed responsibility for same.    ** An applicant must get approval for Fiscal Sponsorship from NWPC LDERF prior to submitting its application to the Foundation by the required deadline. 

NWPC LDERF shall also be eligible to receive a grant every grant cycle.  

If a grant has not been completed by the deadline listed in the grant, the chapter in question will have the right to request an extension upon providing the Grant Committee and Board with sufficient reasons for the need for such extension.  


Grants shall be given on a competitive basis and judged on the merits of the program being proposed.  Applications must be submitted to the Foundation by the deadline set in the calendar for the 2024 Grant Program below.  Grants will be awarded to the best grant proposals selected by the Foundation Board.  Grant Programs must be completed by November 1, 2026. with Final Reports submitted by the date on the Final Report Form provided by the Foundation.  In reviewing the applications, added weight will be given to those caucuses that previously have not received Foundation grant funds.

2024 ALLOWABLE GRANT REQUEST AMOUNTS:  Applicants may apply for grants in amounts up to $11,317.00


The Applicant shall submit an itemized Budget for their Project on the form provided by the Foundation in the 2024 Grant Application (attached).

The Foundation shall fund up to 75% of the Total Cost of the Applicants’ program/project – up to a maximum of $11,317.00.  Applicants must provide a 25% match for the program/project being funded, which can include in-kind contributions that can be reasonably and objectively valued (up to 50% of the total match requirement).  


Items eligible for funding are those that are allowable as permissible expenditures under IRS 501c3 regulations for non-profits.  Travel is only allowed as a covered expense if it is travel that is essential to the project.  All other items not permitted by the IRS shall not be funded. Other Ineligible Expenses include organization operation costs or administrative costs not directly associated with the project, and gifts.

The Grants Committee prefers the grant exclude items that can be donated or are in-kind.  Items that may be included in the grant (if not in-kind) are the costs of the meeting space, food & drink, printed materials, speaking fees, travel expenses for a speaker/coordinator, and publicity. The caucus must provide a minimum of 25% of the total cost of the event or project, which may include in-kind donations.    


Applicants shall apply for a grant using the Grant Application provided by the Foundation in the Call for Grant Applications.


Applicants shall include an acknowledgment of funding from the National Women’s Political Caucus Foundation on printed, audio, video, or digital materials, and in any publicity of a program or event. Applicant shall forward photos of the event to the NWPC Foundation as part of the Final Report or sooner, for use by the Foundation in printed or online news about the NWPC Foundation.

Applicants with winning grants will be required to market their project in their communities as well as on NWPC's national website and acknowledge Foundation sponsorship.


March 1, 2024  Issue RFP

June 30, 2024 Grant Proposal Deadline 

July 31, 2024, Board Approval of Grant Committee Recommendations

August 11, 2024 Grant(s) recipients notified

November 1, 2025   Applicants’ programs must be completed and the Final Report Submitted no later than November 30, 2025 (unless an extension is granted)




NWPC Foundation

C/O Margo McNeil

124 St. Stanislaus Court

Florissant MO  63031